Postal AddressAktiengesellschaft Schaanerstrasse 29a, Vaduz, Liechtenstein

Our Services


The world today faces never before seen realities, unpredictable events, fast developing technology, non-reversible globalization and immediate information sharing. Perena’s services are designed to support business ventures, investment ideas and successful projects in this new world.

As circumstances change and personal connections gain an increasing importance, we believe in relationships and individually designed services and packages, working together to achieve and surpass objectives and goals.

Past projects Perena was involved in includes investments in tangible and intangible assets in a variety of industries and sectors. Examples are the energy sector, cleantech, biotech, cybertech, healthcare and education.

Perena has acted as an investor, an intermediary, an advisor, a supporter, a connecter, as well as an end consumer to support our clients and partners.

The development of strategies for corporates and individuals is our strength, implementing those strategies into action plans and evaluating every step and if need be change and adapt to reach optimum potential.

Mergers & Acquisition

Working with international networks and individuals, believing in the potential of the next generation and creating lasting successful relationships. With 40+ years of experience in fields such as education, health care, IT security and finance.

All partnerships and investments are based on long lasting relationships. Mergers as well as acquisitions are often complex and time consuming. To ensure successful proceedings experts of every relevant field are consulted to ensure well-educated decisions for our partners and clients. Transparent communication and consideration of factors and facts enables efficient problem solving. Interested in long-term relationships based on trust and transparency, clearly defined objectives and commitment to the cause.

Taking international differences in legislation, regulation, political, social and cultural aspects into consideration.

Private Equity

Investing in great ideas. The provision of capital to companies with a clear vision and strategy for the future. With experience in various sectors and a network to support internationally.

Providing capital, as well as experience, expertise, connections and financial strength to companies ready to take another step. Bringing in international knowledge and expertise investing in ventures with the potential of long lasting relationships. Private equity partners provide added resources to ensure a successful future for any company.

Real Estate

Real estate investments as part of a diversified portfolio.

Working with experts in their respective country and city, real estate investment is as much a substantial part of your investment portfolio as bluechip shares. Being introduced to past, present and future projects, enriching portfolios and making well-calculated investments.


Individual and Corporate Social Responsibility

Awareness globally about social responsibility has risen with the increase of media coverage and travel. Giving back to society, to individuals, to cultures, to specific causes, is a very special act.

Philanthropical acts may or may not include the setting up a new foundation supporting a specific cause close to the heart, becoming a silent partner of a known foundation or finding the right cause and foundation to support.

Perena Executive Managment

``PERENA’S team has had experience in every aspect of philanthropy and
is more than prepared to support you and your ventures. ”